Butch and his Ruby



Ruby, our southern belle

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Ruby when she could walk

Ruby came to us two years ago and boy does time fly!  Ruby’s parents had fallen on bad times from serious health issues.  Ruby couldn’t walk or go potty on her own which made it hard for her parents to care for her.  I arranged transport for her to come from NC to OH via some wonderful dog lovers.  What a beauty she was!  Ruby is what is called a pie bald and she has a pink spotted belly.



pink belly!

Isn’t she gorgeous!  We call her out southern belle because she looks at you with a look that lets you know is a lady.  She has her moments though.  If one of her siblings is laying where she wants to sleep she will stare at them until they move.  And they do move!


nap time

Two of her siblings, Butch and Roo, make therapy visits locally.  We took Ruby once just so people could meet her and now she is included in all of the visits.  She even got her own ID!

Ruby’s brothers also race in their carts so why not?  Girls can do anything boys can do.  Right?  She’s a big hit when she shows up in her tutu.  Ruby also goes with her brothers when we teach people about handicapped dogs.


Isn’t she beautiful!

She’s a beautiful girl and we are so happy she is here.  I’m sure people that meet her and her brothers now know that these babies are not handicapped, they’re handicapable.






Beautiful Beatrice


Beatrice.  Where do I begin?  She came to me from a shelter where she had been picked up as a stray.  Thankfully it was a decent shelter and they kept her for quite a while before we got her out.  Everyone thought she was aggressive and mean but when they started taking her for walks they realized she was terrified and was really very loving.  She was advertised as a dachshund but at best she is a dachshund/beagle mix.  I love her face.  She has an Emmitt Kelly face and when she looks at me with those big brown eyes I just melt.

She has the most beautiful face

She has the most beautiful face

Beatrice was rescued by the Dachshund Rescue of North America and I am the foster mom she first came to live with.   She was  a sweet girl from day one.  Loved to cuddle in your arms like a baby.  She would gallop when I would come home because she was so happy to see me.  It was such a cute sight!

After a short time Beatrice was adopted to a family that couldn’t wait to meet her.  They fell in love with that sweet face just like I did.  Her new home was short lived as they had small children and Beatrice was nervous around them.  One day she hid under the bed and when a toddler tried to pull her out she snapped at her but didn’t bite.  I think it  was her warning them that she was scared.  Shortly after that Bea was returned to the rescue and placed at a foster home closer to where she had been living.

Beatrice had some health issues and had emergency surgery for bladder stones.  Over 100!!!  She almost lost her life but was nursed back to health and was living the good life.  She started to eat papers, books, furniture, cords and whatever else she could get.  Her foster dad called and asked if I would consider taking her back.  Of course I would!  We met him shortly after and she came back home with me.  For some reason she has decided this is where she wants to live and is a good girl most of the time.  She is the alpha and doesn’t let anyone forget it but she isn’t mean and doesn’t destroy things.  Due to her previous history of snapping and destroying things the rescue decided they couldn’t adopt her out again so she became mine.

She's such a love bug

She’s such a love bug

She’s a big lover and living with dachshunds she thinks she’s as small as they are. Beatrice cuddles with the doxies and climbs on our laps to snuggle.  She loves to lay in the sun and romp around the backyard.  When ever she realizes we are going in the car she starts galloping and you can just tell she can’t wait to go with us.  She’s a good girl in the car but every couple of minutes she leans her head over and waits for a kiss.  Once she gets her kiss she will lay her head on your shoulder until it’s kissing time again.  She’s just a little girl that wants to be loved . . . and we do love her.

Beatrice and Butch

Beatrice and Butch

Chance, Mr. Romance

How can you not love this face?


Chance had a very sad, bad, horrible life for his first nine years.  Fortunately he was dumped at a shelter in Florida and his new, wonderful life began.  Chance was fortunate to meet Michael Honer at the shelter and Michael saved his life.  He got him into DARE, a Florida dachshund rescue.  DARE paid for Chance to have back surgery and one of his back legs amputated.  His little ears were all curled up and hard as cement from a severe ear infection.  He lost most of his teeth and his eyes were in bad shape.  He had wonderful caregivers and drivers.  It takes a lot of people to take care of everything required when a dog is in such bad shape.  Money needs to be raised, people have to step forward to drive him to and from appointments and he had foster families that loved him dearly.

Fast forward three years and I saw this angel.  He was at Judy and Tim’s house when we went to visit in Florida.  I still think I was set up, but can’t prove it!  The moment I saw him I said either he’s coming home with me or I’m staying.  I couldn’t bear the thought of not being his mom!  Since he had been in rescue for so long and because DARE knew I already had handicapped dogs, they let me HAVE him!  I hit the jackpot!  A free angel!!!


We brought him home and he was immediately accepted by our other dogs.  They all seem to know when there is something wrong with another dog and they rally around and act like they’ve been here forever.  It seems like he has always been here though it’s only been about three years.  At this point he has no teeth at all, he’s blind in his right eye from glaucoma and he’s almost lost the sight in his left eye.  He goes to an eye specialist every six months so we can make sure he’s not in any pain.  You may tend to feel sorry for him but you should see him move when he hears that it’s time to eat!  He stands on his arms with his butt in the air while he eats or drinks and usually walks in the same position.  We have ramps around the house and yard and he backs up the ramps.  He is too adorable 🙂


He loves to travel in the car or his stroller and I have a cuddle sack that I carry him around in when we are at pet expos or on vacation.  He races in special needs races and always brings tears to anyone watching and cheering him on.  He usually stands in one spot until his dad gets in front of him and then he runs to his dad.  His race video is on youtube and our channel is alowridermom if you want to see it.  Get your tissues ready!

He also competed in the Best Nose contest and he won!  He was the fastest at finding the hot dog.  His next trophy was for coming in third in the Crazy Ears contest.  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!  Those ears came in handy.


So that’s my baby Chance.  I thank God every day that I met him and that he’s mine.  He can’t see but when he hears my voice he comes running.  I pick him up and he tries to kiss me but can’t control his tongue because he is toothless.  He flings his head around so his tongue hits my face so he can “kiss” me.  It’s the best kiss in the world.

ImageChance sleeping on his brother Butch

Rocky and Adrienne

Rocky and Adrienne came into our lives when they were just teeny babies.  At six weeks old they were the cutest little furballs.  Rocky was the runt of the litter and the only pup that had long hair.  Well, semi long hair.  The rest of the litter were red smooths but it wasn’t that obvious until he started growing.

They have detested wearing clothes since day one.  I would put them in their little sweaters and in two minutes he was sitting naked next to Adrienne.  I still don’t know how he did it so fast.  They are ten years old now and still run around, roll around and scratch themselves if I dress them up.

As siblings they couldn’t be closer.  Adrienne had hernia surgery when she was a baby and Rocky was allowed to be in her kennel at the vet.  Our vet realized how close they were and he thought she would be calmer with her brother there.   To this day they still sleep intertwined.  Adrienne defends her little brother when any other dog decides to give him a hard time.  She will stand in front of him and take a stance that reminds us of an aggravated animal on Wild Kingdom.  Don’t mess with her baby brother!!

They are the best little dogs anyone could ever have.  They understand just about everything I say to them.  If they are outside and start barking all I have to say is “get in the house” and they go running inside.  They will move over, back up, be quiet, go to bed and so much more.  Say it once and it’s done.

Adrienne is very vocal when we go to the pet store or the park.  It’s pretty embarrassing actually.  We took her to a local pet store and when we were walking down the aisles she was screeching.  One of the employees came to ask what was wrong and we told her “she’s excited to be here”!  There have even been times I’ve had to wait in the car with her at the vet because she’s so distraught thinking she may her her nails clipped.  Rocky is just the opposite.  He loves to go anywhere and see anyone.  If you come to our house he will sit on your lap, follow you to the bathroom and try to leave in your car.  We have to reassure people that we really do not abuse him!  He’s just a friendly little guy.

Rocky and Adrienne have several siblings and some are bigger than they are but Adrienne is in charge around here.  She’s a very gentle leader but do NOT mess with her baby brother.

sweet babies

Little Roo

ImageLittle Roo was a complete surprise to me.  One day in January 2012 I logged onto Facebook and there was this little chihuahua posted on my page with the headline “this dog has you written all over him”.  My friend Michael put it there.  Michael Honer is a vet tech at an animal shelter in Tampa and has a soft spot for the little angels that come through. Roo is not the first angel I’ve adopted due to Michael’s love for animals.

Roo was apparently dumped in Tampa and found by a compassionate person that brought him to the shelter.  Roo was born without arms and it was estimated that he was only about 5 months old.  How could anyone dump a handicapped baby in a city and not worry about him?  Poor little Roo was petrified but soon found love at the shelter.  All of the shelter workers were so sweet and kind to this little angel.  I’m sure that he got a lot of love and attention and returned just as much as he received.  He loves to kiss and snuggle.

Roo was in a foster home for a short time and I told Michael I would love to adopt the little guy if he didn’t already have any offers.  Luckily I got to be his new mom!!  Little Roo was neutered and chipped and his next adventure began.  Since I live in Ohio and he was in Florida we had a little transporting to arrange.  The previous year we had been in Florida to meet people from the rescue that originally had our little Chance that also came from the same shelter.  There was a picnic and Cheri and Todd’s house where we got to meet all the doxie people and Michael.  Cheri was kind enough to drive the two hours to Tampa and back to pick up Roo and he lived with her for a few weeks.

The next leg of his trip was another three hour trip further north to Tim and Judy’s house.  Judy picked him up and he stayed with them for several weeks.  Lucky for me between his two interim homes I learned a lot about him.  He was sort of potty trained but not quite.  You can always tell when he’s the one that went potty in the house because he stands and turns around like a sprinkler.  Funny but also a little messy!

The new North Florida Animal Rescue was just getting ready to open and they held a fundraiser for a cart for Roo.  They raised all the money they needed in 7 hours and the cart was ordered from Eddie’s Wheels.  He practiced rolling around and he was an honorary dachshund at the North Florida Dachshund Races in March of 2012.  They had his picture in the local paper and he was on the news.

He’s in Ohio now and would much rather hop than roll.  We have to be careful with his little hips and joints and sometime you can hear little cracks and pops when he overdoes it.  He loves life and plays with his dachshund siblings constantly.  He’s so active that I have a small pack n play in the corner of the living room for when he needs a time out.  Just like a little boy, he has no idea when to slow down and rest.   He sits on his haunches in the crib and just looks at me through the screen.  Too funny!

He is loved!!

Roo turned a year old in July.  We picked July 4th as his birthday so everyone can celebrate this little boy’s second chance at life thanks to all of the people that helped him come to his furever home.


Abbie Marie, we still miss you

Abbie was the cutest little dog.  Her mom was a golden retriever and her dad was a pomeranian.  They belonged to our neighbors and they had such a cute litter of pups that we couldn’t resist her.  My daughter would carry her everywhere she went.  We tried to take Abbie for walks but we would always end up carrying her back home.  She was truly in charge!

When we adopted Abbie we also had a 9 year old border collie named Punkin.  Punkin would tolerate little Abbie but eventually they became true siblings.   Abbie would tag behind her like a little sister and Punkin would cuddle up around Abbie at night.  They really were cute together.  Unfortunately when Punkin was about 13 years old she developed cancer and Abbie would lay by her side on a blanket just to be near her.  When Punkin passed away her little sister was lonesome.  Dogs feel emotion just like we do and it was so sad watching Abbie adjust to being an “only child”.


I was watching tv one night and saw dogs on the news from local shelters.  There was a dog named Lucky that looked like a larger version of Punkin.  My daughter and I called and put out names on the list to adopt him.  We didn’t hear anything for a a couple of weeks so we thought someone else had been picked to be Lucky’s new family.  Then we got the call that a lady would bring him to the house to see if we were a good fit!  We were so excited and worried that he wouldn’t like us, but he did.  He came through the door with his guardian, walked up to Abbie’s bowl and started eating and drinking.  Abbie walked right over to him and started kissing him!  I think he reminded her of Punkin, too.

Lucky was renamed Quazimoto and we called him Quazi for short.  Quazi had been found as a stray and had to have one of his eyes removed.  When we would take them for walks Abbie would walk on his sightless side and nudge him to go straight.  She really took care of the big guy.  He weighed about 115 pounds to her 12 yet she was his caretaker.

Abbie and Quazi

For those of us that remember the tv show MY THREE SONS, Abbie looked like a miniature Tramp.    And she was devoted to me.  Abbie never left the yard unless I did.  One day a friend took her for a walk to the neighbors house and she chewed her way thru the leash and came home to sit on the porch because I was in the house.   We would take her swimming in the lake and she was just like a little kid.  It would be time to go home and as we were leaving the beach she would turn around and run right back into the water!  When she was wet she looked like she weighed 3 pounds.  Quazi would walk the beach picking up dead fish and carrying them around.  No water for him!

Quazimoto was with us for 4 years and we found out he had cancer.  The big guy went from just over 100 pounds to 70.  He went to the Bridge and Abbie Marie was alone once again.

The next furry angel to come into our lives was Mindy May.  Mindy May was a 13 year old, one eyed Shih Tzu.  Another one-eyed dog for Abbie!  As with Quazi, Abbie would walk on Mindy’s sightless side and nudge her when we went for walks.  She really was a service dog to these dogs.   Mindy May was diagnosed with canine cognitive disorder (doggie alzheimer’s) and Abbie would help her find her way around the house and yard.  Mindy May passed away at the age of 18.

Abbie lived to be 18 years old.  She had a wonderful life and she brought so much love and joy to ours.  She loved and was loved.  Who can ask for more?

We still miss you, Abbie Marie

Lao Tzu makes a statement

I have a dog that makes a fashion statement every day of his life.  He has two drawers filled with clothes.  Now it’s not that he’s vain or greedy, he’s hairless.  His name is Lao Tzu but we call him Shooey.

Hairless dogs need clothes.  It’s that simple.  He has jammies, shirts, blue jeans and shorts.  You name it, he has it and it fills two drawers and a roll out storage bin under my bed.  Shooey get his jammies made especially for him by his Aunt Janet.  He has a made to order Hug-a-Dog harness with a nice, soft lining so it doesn’t chafe his skin.   He has a pretty blue Cuddler from Dachshund Delights and if I do say so myself, he looks very handsome in it.

cowboy pajamas

I met Lao Tzu when I helped transport him from one rescue to another.  As soon as I looked into his big eyes I knew he had my heart.  Just three months before we lost out little Sigmond unexpectedly and now I had another hairless dog stealing my heart.  We did the transport but I mentioned that I was interested and two months later he was mine!  The poor guy was a little timid at first and not very potty trained.  He had originally come from a puppy mill and didn’t really fit in at the first rescue because Shooey wants to be the alpha.  He would harass the other dogs and eventually they had to move him.  I’m so glad they did.

I couldn't resist those eyes

Shooey craves love and attention.  If we are in bed and another dog is laying next to me, he sits on top of the dog and wiggles his way in between us.  If I am talking to someone he will get on my lap and keep touching my face as if to say “Hey, what about me?”.  He does aggravate the other dogs but they just brush him off like he’s the bratty little brother.  Occasionally someone will growl and go after him but it’s more to make him go away than to attack him.  We call him Dennis the Menace.  He’s like a little boy that has to be in charge.

Shooey is still not totally potty trained so he wears belly bands and of course they are made to order for him from Pammer’s Petwear.  Nothing but the best for this little man.  He actually has a dresser drawer full of belly bands.  If you have to wear underwear it might as well make a statement!

the first day in his new home

Summer clothes?  He has a lot of those, too.  Shorts and t shirts and he wears a very high SPF sunscreen with lavender.  Gotta take care of that skin!  In the winter he’s a very light color but one day in the sun and he’s totally tan.  Shooey is a mexican hairless or Xolocuintle.  Xolo for short.  He loves the heat and can lay on the deck all day long.  I have to keep applying sunscreen and replenishing his water.  The boy craves heat.  In the winter he lays on a heated pillow, under a blanket while wearing his fleece jammies.


getting my tan on!


I’m so glad I met this little guy.  He makes us smile every day and when he looks in my eyes I remember the first day I saw him.


Sigmond AKA Siggy, Piggy, Piggy Shoo

I saw Sigmond on Petfinder around the same time I found Butch.  His little face was so sweet and those eyes were looking right at me.  How could I decide which one to adopt?  There was no way I could pick one over the other so I picked them both!  This was Sigmond’s adoption photo.

How could I resist??

Siggy originally lived in Chicago in a hoarding situation.  Animal Control removed several dogs from the house but before they could come back for the rest the house caught on fire.  Thankfully he was one of 10 dogs that survived.  If I remember correctly he was about 2 years old when this happened.  Can you imagine how scared he must have been?  The veterinarian that was taking care of him found the Rescue Alliance of  Hairless Breeds in Akron, Ohio and his life began again!  He was flown to Akron and picked up by his new foster mom, Janet.  He immediately found a special in her heart so she wasn’t about to let “just anybody” adopt him.  He had certain criteria that had to be met.  No small children and he could not be left alone all day.  Luckily for me we were a perfect fit. Janet brought him to my house to do the home visit and see how my other dogs would react to Sigmond and he to them.  I’d only had Butch for about a week or two at this point so adding another dog so soon would be interesting!  He was so tiny and sweet.  I still smile when I think of the first time I saw the little guy.  He was wearing the fleece jammies that Janet had made for him.  Little hairless guys require a lot of care.  They wear a high SPF sunscreen and clothing when they are outside in the summer.  In the fall and winter they need their little fleece jammies to keep them warm.  I know this sounds strange but when they sleep against you they are like little hot water bottles.  I used to take his jammies off when we would go to bed so he wouldn’t get too hot under the covers.

His favorite jammies from Aunt Janet

He had a skin ailment that looked like a bacterial infection and it took a long time to get in under control.  I took him to the only veterinary dermatologist in the area and used several homeopathic creams and shampoos on the little guy.  He’d take a bath and look like a teeny monster from a swamp . . . but in a cute way.  To me he was the most beautiful baby in the world.

I'm too sexy for this tub

Sigmond loved to lay in the sun on the back porch.  We put an ottoman by the window and he would lounge there for hours.  My friends and I would play with him all the time and John would say “he’s not a doll!”.  But Sig loved it.  Do you remember the song Peggy Sue?  We used to hold him and sing Piggy Shoo and dress him up.  One day my friend came over with a rain coat she had bought for him and when we put it on him he froze.  He was so afraid to move.   He was such a sweetheart.  I even made holiday cards with him on the front.  I can’t tell you how much fun we had with him.

Peek a boo!

Rain Man

We were going on vacation to North Carolina to see my daughter and then on to Asheville.  Sigmond was going to stay with his Aunt Janet and have his very own vacation.  She would let him sleep in her bed and he’d get fabulous breakfasts and lots of hugs and kisses.  We dropped him off on November 1st and left knowing he would be a happy boy when we got home.  Two days later I got an urgent voice mail from Janet.  Sigmond had a bad seizure and she rushed him to the ER in Akron.  This vet hospital is like the Cleveland Clinic of vet hospitals.  He was put  in a preemie incubator right away.  His brain was swelling and he was in pain.   We spoke to the doctor on the phone and they were going to do all they could and monitor him all night.  I was to call her in the morning before her shift was over.  I didn’t sleep all night.  I was crying and watching the clock just waiting to call and see how he was doing.  The vet called me before our set time and said he was still in pain and nothing had changed.  I phoned Janet and we reluctantly decided we needed to let him go.   Janet made all the arrangements and I’m so thankful he was with her.  It was like he came full circle.  She was his first mom and his last.   We had a long, long ride home the next day.  I cried all the way from North Carolina to Ohio.  Eight hours.  Just when I thought I was all cried out we got to Akron and it started all over again.  It’s still hard to think about that little teeny guy being here one day and gone the next.  You just never know.

Happy Holidays!


When I decided I needed another dog I began looking on petfinder for photos of dachshunds.   I found a cutie and was directed to the DRNA website.  I fell in love with Butch.  I still get teary eyed when I think about seeing him.  I wasn’t sure I could take care of him the way he needed to be taken care of so I emailed with Dona, his foster mom, several times just to make sure.  I didn’t want to adopt him and find out I couldn’t do him justice.  He required therapy and he was getting that where he was.  What if I brought him to Ohio and I couldn’t keep it up?  What if I failed him and he really needed me to step up?  Dona explained that he would need ongoing therapy but he would be one of a few at my house and he would get more attention.  She had several fosters and some of them needed therapy also.  He really does love attention and believe me he demands it!

How cute is he!

I met Butch and Dona in July at the North East Ohio Dachshund Picnic.  He was so cute and cuddly looking but he didn’t want to leave Dona.  She had to walk a little ways with us so he thought she was coming with us.  Eventually we broke away and walked around the park checking out the vendors.  At one point I took him out of his cart and couldn’t figure out how to get him back in!  I had to go back and find Dona so she could teach me how to put him in it.

As we were heading to the car a couple with a cart dog came up to me and we started talking about Butch and their dog Denny.   We exchanged emails and I am so grateful that we did.   Jay and Terie were so helpful to me with tips on taking care of him from baths to belly bands to expressing his bladder.  Without their input and Dona’s encouragement I really don’t know how I could have done it.  We all need help and I am so appreciative of the help I’ve received.   I’ve listed my information on DODGERSLIST so I can help others.  It really is easy to take care of a handicapped dog if you know where to find the information.

Butch is the easiest dog to travel with.  He loves to ride in the car in his basket and usually sleeps for hours on end.  When we stop at a hotel we don’t have to walk him in the middle of the night.  We express him in the bathroom!  The funny thing about traveling with Butch is that when we stop at rest areas he gets to “stretch his legs”.  He gets in his cart and we let him run around and sniff everything.

Stretching his legs at a rest area

Butch races in dachshund races and so far is the champ . . . at least in the races he’s entered.  We’ve met so many wonderful people because of this sweet weenie.  We met Tim, Judy and their cart dog Sam at the National Dachshund Races in Findlay three years ago and have become great friends.   We travel to Florida for races and stay with them and they stay with us in Ohio.  Last year when we were at their house they had a doxie picnic with all of their rescue friends from DARE.  We had games and races for the dogs and met some really fun people.

Party time!

Butch still goes for therapy occasionally.  He isn’t too thrilled with the water treadmill therapy or the acupuncture but he needs to go to keep his muscles strong.  He can stand but only takes one or two steps and then tips over.  His left leg just can’t support him.  But we don’t care and neither does he.  He doesn’t have a clue that he’s any different than any other dog.  But we know that he’s special.

My sweet Butch

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