Rocky and Adrienne

Rocky and Adrienne came into our lives when they were just teeny babies.  At six weeks old they were the cutest little furballs.  Rocky was the runt of the litter and the only pup that had long hair.  Well, semi long hair.  The rest of the litter were red smooths but it wasn’t that obvious until he started growing.

They have detested wearing clothes since day one.  I would put them in their little sweaters and in two minutes he was sitting naked next to Adrienne.  I still don’t know how he did it so fast.  They are ten years old now and still run around, roll around and scratch themselves if I dress them up.

As siblings they couldn’t be closer.  Adrienne had hernia surgery when she was a baby and Rocky was allowed to be in her kennel at the vet.  Our vet realized how close they were and he thought she would be calmer with her brother there.   To this day they still sleep intertwined.  Adrienne defends her little brother when any other dog decides to give him a hard time.  She will stand in front of him and take a stance that reminds us of an aggravated animal on Wild Kingdom.  Don’t mess with her baby brother!!

They are the best little dogs anyone could ever have.  They understand just about everything I say to them.  If they are outside and start barking all I have to say is “get in the house” and they go running inside.  They will move over, back up, be quiet, go to bed and so much more.  Say it once and it’s done.

Adrienne is very vocal when we go to the pet store or the park.  It’s pretty embarrassing actually.  We took her to a local pet store and when we were walking down the aisles she was screeching.  One of the employees came to ask what was wrong and we told her “she’s excited to be here”!  There have even been times I’ve had to wait in the car with her at the vet because she’s so distraught thinking she may her her nails clipped.  Rocky is just the opposite.  He loves to go anywhere and see anyone.  If you come to our house he will sit on your lap, follow you to the bathroom and try to leave in your car.  We have to reassure people that we really do not abuse him!  He’s just a friendly little guy.

Rocky and Adrienne have several siblings and some are bigger than they are but Adrienne is in charge around here.  She’s a very gentle leader but do NOT mess with her baby brother.

sweet babies

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Judy Delbene
    Feb 11, 2013 @ 19:24:36

    I loved when I visited last fall that Rocky slept with me each night. Very good smuggler.


  2. Marcela
    Feb 11, 2013 @ 22:09:17

    They are both so adorable. Since Adrienne is the alpha dog out of the two, I only have one thing to say, Girl Power:)


  3. mjwood16
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 22:54:00

    I have to tell you that this is just the sweetest. Being with you for so long, you are 100% their Momma. Love it. Especially the part about looking up and he’s naked. Haha.


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